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What if I don’t make my ad spend back?

Teaching Facebook Ads for many years, I hear all the “what ifs”:

  • “What if I don’t make my money back?”
  • “What if my ads are a total flop?”
  • “What if my audience hates my ads and I get bad comments?”
  • “What if Facebook changes its policies or algorithm again and it messes everything up?”
  • “What if the cost per lead keeps going up?”


Every question veils a very valid concern:

What if ads won’t work for me and I waste all this time and money?

So how about this:

What if it works beyond your wildest dreams?

What if you say, “I’m doing this,” and you’re chilling on vacation a year from now without panicking about where your leads or revenue are coming from?

What if, during a launch, you had the spaciousness to enjoy dinner, get a spa day, spend time with your family, or relax?

Because lead generation from ads is not the stress you thought it was going to be…

And, what if you simply start making more money than you are now?

Take Vikrant’s and our Soft Skills Coach’s experiences for instance:

  1. Vikrant, a numerology coach, generated 30,000+ leads for his 3-hour FREE workshop at just ₹43 per lead.
  2. soft skills coach generated 70,000+ leads for a 90-minute FREE webinar at only ₹26 per lead.


Yes, there is a strategy to ad spend.

Too many people who try to DIY their ads spend randomly.

They end up turning off ads soon, or they feed more $$ into the wrong ads.

And, even worse, they focus on a lead magnet that isn’t set up to convert people into their high-ticket program.

So they pay for a bunch of leads that are not likely to buy.

Then they say, “It didn’t work.”

Our 7-Day Facebook Ads Workshop was built on a proven and tested ad funnel framework.

Ad spend isn’t random.

You’re not bustling around trying to attract leads on 5 different platforms.

You follow the proven funnel framework while working with us to customize it to YOUR business and YOUR audience.

What one person might do could differ from you.

Because, at the heart of great marketing is connection.

We want to help you craft a marketing experience that speaks to your ideal audience.

Most importantly, managing ads and lead gen shouldn’t send your nervous system into constant overdrive.

Yeah, there can be moments where the pressure feels on.

That’s where a solid support system is so important.

Because, left to our own devices, we can make fear-based decisions—such as turning off an ad that was actually working extremely well!

Ads are a powerful way to get more eyeballs on your business while taking a lot of marketing tasks off your plate. (If you want to post less on social media, ads make that possible.)

And the support you need is waiting for you.

Ready to Master Facebook Ads?

Join my 7-Day Facebook Ads Workshop and learn how to generate high-quality leads effortlessly.

Generate High-Quality Leads Effortlessly: Master Facebook Ads in 7 Days

The prime objective of the course is to help you master the skill of high-quality lead generation using Facebook Ads.

This course will teach you all that you need to know to get started with lead generation quickly and easily.

We start by teaching the core concepts and then advance to advanced concepts, strategies, and tactics.

Finally, we end up with practical sessions on how to actually implement the learnings to launch your own campaigns in less than 1 hour.


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